Wednesday, March 4, 2009

check up time!


just now i went to the clinic for my monthly check up. ok the baby's head dh engaged into the position. baby weighs 1.3 kgs....a week bigger than his age..he's now 31 week i'll be 8 months pregnant. wow! so fast the time flies...scary lah plak!

so everything is fine...mommy n boy are healthy and happy...nntlah ada masa aku upload gambo scan last month (sbb dis month baby boy agak pemalu....kept hiding his face behind his hands...noty!).

barang baby tak beli byk lagi....prob recycle yg kakak dia punya dulu but need to buy more clothes sbb yg dulu byk pink!oowwhhhhhh i tak mau lah pakaikan pink just yet!hehhehhe....geleman gtu!

pray dat both o us will be fine. thanks for the prayers u guys have given us...

oh every two weeks check up has now officially started! hehehehe...dh masuh 30 weeks lah katakan!


artisticklytouch said...

hey, pink is the new blue ar!!!

come jawab tag kat blog aku

kiah kay said...

cit....!!!! pink is pink la is blue lerr....apa raaa...tak koser ok nk pkaikan anak boy aku pink...ouuwwwwwwhhh!!!!

WorkingMama said...

aku doakan ko n baby ko sihat.
wah! baby boy!!
ada harapan lagi ni aku nak kejar ko.