Monday, April 13, 2009

celebrating her 3rd big day...

here are some pics to share...walaupun lambat celebrate tapi kira oright la sbb sume tersandar kekenyangan selepas habis event...i was happy, MR was happy and most of all, Nurin was the happiest girl in the universe that night....

---promo...t shirt ni RM20, sgt bagus kualiti kain dia...kalu nak bgtau aku okes!---

---promo lagi...dress GAP cost only RM30...interested do contact me...nurin n aqief posing sakan---

---choco indulgence from s.recipy. powerpuff girls rulezzzzzzzzzzzzzz---

---potong kek, sume org pun took part okes...nurin tenggelam..hahhaha---

so, itu saje pasal besday Nurin yg ke-3....alhamdullillah sempat gk aku wat party utk dia....


artisticklytouch said...

Happy Birthday Nurin

kiah kay said...

tq uncle art...emmmm pwesent mane ek? nurin nk barbie doll set lengkap umah agam lagi leh?