Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Ku mengerti perpisahan ini
Bukan kerana kau membenci
Tapi kasih yang pernah ku beri
Tiada lagi bersama
Sering kala aku terlihatkan mu
Impian nan indah julang bahagia
Ku harungi hari demi hari
Bersama wajah tak mungkin akan kembali
Tapi hati masih tak terima
Ditinggalkan sengsara
Keraguan ini bukanlah padamu
Perasaan hati masih rindu
Kekalutan ini hanyalah untukku
Tercari-cari bayanganmu
Tak sanggup aku kehilangan
Masih tercari-cari.....

Listening to this song, how i felt so stupid thinking about the past. so many people said 'only time heals'...i still didn't get it. why do i still feel the feelings i shouldn't have felt? things are so tough to be compiled and sealed together. i've tried to post the feelings away from me...let it be..but i just can't. i felt sorry for my love, my heart that hurts because of the cruelty i've done to them. i should have let the feelings go by now, before someone else gets hurt...or it might be late....God please help me....................................

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